1. download q from kx.com: https://kx.com 2. download and install hypertree: http://www.nsl.com/hypertree.zip 3. to get bigtable and sorttable, go to the links page on nsl.com: http://nsl.com/hypertree/ then copy sortable.q, bigtable.q, and hypergrid-support.q into the q directory. 4. start bigtable or sorttable: cd q q bigtable.q or cd q q sorttable.q (but not both at the same time). then launch simple q table from the links page (3 above). 5. for hypertree: cd hypertree q h.q then launch hypertree from the links page (3 above). 6. the hypertree github repository, with documentation, is here: https://github.com/stevanapter